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Harmonized Emissions Analysis Tool plus (HEAT+)

Fuente de la herramienta:
ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability

HEAT+ isICLEI’s multilingual online emissions inventory tool to help Local Governments account for greenhouse gas emissions and air pollutants in local communities. The Harmonized Emissions Analysis Tool plus (HEAT+) helps Local Governments prepare baseline and monitoring inventories, forecast emissions, identify key emission sources , track commitments and facilitates reporting to the Council and reporting platforms such as the carbonn Cities Climate Registry(cCCR). It covers greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs), Common Air Pollutants (CAP) and other Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC). HEAT+ is consistent with the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) guidelines and compliant with the Global Protocol on Community-scale GHG Emissions (GPC). Multi-lingual and multi-country versions are available, with guest access for visitors interested in exploring the tool. It offers secure data storage, a global database, comprehensive technical support and accessibility 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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