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Carbon Calculations over the Life Cycle (CCaLC)

Fuente de la herramienta:
University of Manchester

CCaLC is used to help estimate and manage carbon footprints and other environmental impacts at minimum cost. The main features and capabilities of CCaLC include: Carbon footprinting CCaLC enables calculations of carbon footprints from 'cradle to grave' and helps to identify carbon 'hot spots' as well as carbon reduction opportunities. Water footprinting CCaLC also enables estimates of water footprint, taking into account water scarcity in different countries. Other environmental impacts CCaLC also calculates other environmental impacts such as acidification, eutrophication, ozone layer depletion, photochemical (summer) smog and human toxicity. Economic impacts CCaLC enables estimation of economic costs and value added, to show the trade-offs between 'carbon added' and 'value added'. Databases and Case studies There are over 5500 data items in the CCaLC databases, including the Ecoinvent database. They include carbon footprint data on materials, energy, transport, packaging and waste. There are also over 50 case studies, including chemicals and related products, food and drink, bio-feedstocks, biofuels and packaging.

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