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EPA Target Finder Calculator

Fuente de la herramienta:
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

EPA’s Target Finder is an online calculator that helps users assess the energy performance of commercial building designs and existing buildings. It is designed for architects, engineers, and property owners and managers. There’s no login required, which makes Target Finder useful for quick-and-easy calculations and “what-if” scenarios.
Target Finder accounts for building and operating characteristics, such as operating hours and number of PCs, as well as 30-year weather data for your project site. It then compares this data to the actual energy consumption of real buildings, as collected by nationally representative surveys, such as DOE’s Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey (CBECS). The data from these surveys are built into Target Finder, meaning that, with a couple mouse clicks, you can assess your designs against the best-available data sample in the nation, plus have it normalized for size, operating characteristics, and weather.

There are two basic ways to use Target Finder:See what annual energy usage you need to achieve to meet a target – If you enter basic information about your business activity and set a target, you can see what this target means in terms of energy use, cost, and greenhouse gas emissions.Evaluate estimated energy use – If you already have a design or retrofit project and know its estimated energy use, you can calculate the corresponding efficiency metrics. In addition, you can see the projected costs and greenhouse gas emissions.

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