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Integrated Enviornmental Assessment (IEA) Platform

Fuente de la herramienta:
UN Environment programme (UNEP)

The Integrated Environmental Assessment (IEA) is an on-line interactive training resource platform, including numerous IEA tools, methods, case studies and available reports.This web site is designed for:Governments, practitioners and other stakeholders that are conducting or involved with integrated environmental assessments;Students and educators that are learning about environmental assessment. The Training Manual is produced by UNEP in collaboration with the InternationalInstitutefor Sustainable Development (IISD) and is available for users worldwide. It contains an eight-volume basic training course on integrated environmental assessment (including PDF, PowerPoint and e-learning versions). The manual is intended to be a guide for people designing and running training workshops inIEAs at the regional, national or ecosystem level. The Training Manual is a global resource, intended for direct use in different parts of the world in guiding assessment processes at different levels (global, regional, national, etc.) and for guiding decision making at the regional and international levels. The content of the Training Manual is generic (i.e., it leads participants through all the steps required to carry out an effective Integrated Environmental Assessment). As such, the tool can be locally adapted, allowing it to serve very effectively as guidance for national or sub-national (e.g., city, watershed, ecosystems) scale assessments. The module on Climate Change Vulnerability and Impact Assessment (VIA), as well as the version for cities, outline key approaches to help in assessing vulnerability to climate change in the context of other non-climatic issues and stresses such as environmental change and consumption levels, and their integration with other drivers and pressures. In this way, they make use of the general DPSIR framework

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