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MARKAL (MARKet ALlocation)

Fuente de la herramienta:
Energy Technology Systems Analysis Program (ETSAP)

The MARKAL and TIMES Model Generators are the source codes, which process each set of data files (the model) and generate a matrix with all the coefficients that specify the economic equilibrium model of the energy system as a mathematical programming problem. The Model Generators also post-process the optimization results.

General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS) is the computer programming language in which the MARKAL and TIMES Model Generators are written. GAMS is the property of GAMS Development Corporation, Washington D.C. Information on GAMS may be found at

A solver is a software package integrated with GAMS which solves the mathematical programming problem produced by the Model Generator for a particular instance of the MARKAL or TIMES model. Information on solvers may be found at

The platform:

Encompasses an entire energy system from resource extraction through to end-use demands (thus “well-to-wheels”), as represented by a Reference Energy System (RES) network;

Employs least-cost optimization;

Identifies the most cost-effective pattern of resource use and technology deployment over time;

Provides a framework for the evaluation of mid-to-long-term policies and programs that can impact the evolution of an energy system;

Quantifies the costs and technology choices that result from imposition of the policies and programs, and associated emissions

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