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Reegle tagging API

Fuente de la herramienta:
Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP)

The tagging API has been developed for automated tag extraction of clean energy and climate relevant resources. Tagging the information in individual documents makes them much more accessible, but the actual process of tagging documents is both time-consuming and inconsistent when done manually. On top of this, there is often no consistent set of tags to cover a specific field such as clean energy. A "light" version of the Tagging API allows you to upload and tag documents directly - for the full version you can integrate the API into your publishing environment to support tagging of all your documents . It’s easy.Simply register to get an API key. This service is available for resources in the English, Spanish, Portuguese, French and German languages. Another service is the API content pool: this semantic index allows API key holders to receive similar content suggestions that match their API return values. This is a list of URIs of similar articles that are already indexed by the reegle API. The API content pool includes key holders’ own documents as well as a selection of publicly available resources. These include Linked Open Data (LOD) and content, including actor and stakeholder profiles, policy and regulatory overviews for most countries, and REEEP project outcome documents. Additional related data and content from other LOD cloud sources may also be available.

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