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UCL Energy Institute Models

Fuente de la herramienta:
The UCL Energy Institute, University College London

The UCL Energy Institute has developed and regularly uses many different types of energy models for different purposes at UK, European and global scales. Several are directly applicable to other economies whilst others would require re-populating with local data.

On behalf the Department of Energy & Climate Change, the UK ETSAP Contracting Party, UCL serves as the technical institution participating in the current ANNEX XIII: Tools for Analysis of a Future Energy Revolution.

UKTM is UCL’s flagship model currently under development that will supersede UK MARKAL in portraying the UK energy system, from fuel extraction and trading, to fuel processing and transport, electricity generation and all final energy demands. The model generates scenarios for the evolution of the energy system based on different assumptions around the evolution of demands, future technology costs, measuring energy system costs and all greenhouse gases (GHGs) associated with the scenario. UKTM is built using the TIMES model generator. As a partial equilibrium energy system and technologically detailed model, it is well suited to investigate the economic, social, and technological trade-offs between long-term divergent energy scenarios.

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