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Several tools for Terrestrial Carbon Measurement, data entry, and calculation
Terrestrial Carbon Assessment Toolkit
This collection of maps provides information that can be used for humanitarian decision-making around the world, developed by the IRI and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC). 
It also provides information on the types of early action that can be taken based on these maps.
Six-Day forecasts: These maps show where heavy rainfall is expected in the next six days, and how much rainfall is expected.
Three-Month Forecasts: These maps show where large or small amounts of rainfall are expected in the next three months.
Past Conditions: These maps show rainfall patterns that can be expected for El Nino, La Nina, and average years.
Recent Climate Trends: These maps show what the rainfall has been like for the last 100 years, and what trends exist in your location.
Vulnerability Indicators: These maps show population density and child mortality rates to indicate areas of the world that might be most vulnerable to high or low rainfall amounts.
Rainfall Forecasts
Demand for agricultural commodities is one of the major drivers of land use change and deforestation. This siting tool help identifying areas suitable for sustainable agricultural expansion. This tool can provide strategic information for investors, companies and governments on meeting targets for economic development while mitigating the impact on forests. The objective of the tool consist in identifying areas meeting both the economic and the environmental targets for expansion of the agricultural sector. The methodological and integrated approach aim to inform stakeholders’ decisions for sustainable development.
REDD+ Energy and Agriculture Programme (REAP) Siting Tool
This tool provides ex-ante estimations of the impact of agriculture and forestry development projects on GHG emissions and carbon sequestration, indicating its effects on the carbon balance.The EX-ACT tool computes the carbon balance with and without the project. The difference represents the potential impact of the project in terms of mitigation, indicating the net amount of carbon sequestered (carbon sink) or emitted (carbon source) as a result of the project. EX-ACT could therefore help project designers select the project activities which have higher benefits both in economic and climate change mitigation terms (added value of the project).
Ex Ante Carbon-balance Tool (ExACT)
The GAEZ Data Portal provides free access to data on agricultural resources and potential, allows visualization of data, and provides the user with various analysis outputs.

FAO and IIASA have developed the Agro-Ecological Zones (AEZ) methodology and database over the past 30 years for assessing agricultural resources and potential. The GAEZ database provides the agronomic backbone for various applications including the quantification of land productivity. Results are commonly aggregated for current major land use/cover patterns and by administrative units, land protection status, or broad classes reflecting infrastructure availability and market access conditions.

This is the most ambitious assessment yet and makes publicly available the entire database with many terabytes of data covering five thematic areas:·

Land and water resources, including soil resources, terrain resources, land cover, protected areas and selected socio economic and demographic data;·
Agro-climatic resources, including a variety of climatic indicators;·
Suitability and potential yields for up to 280 crops/land utilization types under alternative input and management levels for historical, current and future climate conditions;·
Downscaled actual yields and production of main crop commodities, and·
Yield and production gaps, in terms of ratios and differences between actual yield and production and potentials for main crops.With this large amount of data, a new system had to be created to make the data accessible to a variety of users.
FAO Agro-ecological zones (GAEZ)
The FAO GeoNetwork provides internet access to interactive maps, satellite imagery and related spatial databases maintained by FAO and its partners. It's purpose is to improve access to and integrated use of spatial data and information.

FAO andWFP, UNEP and more recently OCHA, have combined their research and mapping expertise to develop GeoNetwork opensource as a common strategy to effectively share their spatial databases including digital maps, satellite images and related statistics. The three agencies make extensive use of computer-based data visualization tools, known as Geographic Information System (GIS) and Remote Sensing (RS) software, mostly to create maps that combine various layers of information.

GeoNetwork opensource provides them with the capacity to access a wide selection of maps and other spatial information stored in different databases around the world through a single entry point.Through this website FAO facilitates multidisciplinary approaches to sustainable development and supports decision making in agriculture, forestry, fisheries and food security.

The FAO GeoNetwork site is powered by GeoNetwork opensource and allows access to the FAO Core Datasets which are available for download.
FAO GeoNetwork
This selection guide of 17 calculators is intended to help users select the most appropriate for a landscape-scale greenhouse gas (GHG) assessment of activities in agriculture and forestry.

It is based on a technical report published by FAO which includes appendices with all resource material and descriptions of the individual calculators. The data for this guide is based on the letter Colomb et al, Selection of appropriate calculators for landscape-scale greenhouse gas assessment for agriculture and forestry, Environmental Research Letters, 8, 015029, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/8/1/015029.

The classification is based on the main aim of the assessment: raising awareness, reporting, project evaluation or product assessment.

To display the table of suitable calculators at the bottom of the page, select the main aim, at least one geographical area, activity and source and the time and skills available.
GHG Tool Selector
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