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Inventory and Measurement

This tool aims to aid developing countries in carrying out a stock taking to helping them assess the current ability of their national systems related to Low Emission Development Strategies (LEDS), Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) as well as monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) to create transparency and an information basis for planning and implementing mitigation actions, and to comply with the UNFCCC requirements. 

The tool can also be applied for broader functions of a national MRV system, e.g. related to reporting at the national level. The output of this gap analysis tool is a prioritized list of gaps.  

This information can be used as basis for the development of a strategy for the further development LEDS, NAMAs and the national MRV system. Furthermore it can serve as input for the reporting on support required (in the form of financial, technology transfer or capacity building support) in the BUR.

The use of this tool is voluntary; the tool has not been endorsed by the UNFCCC.
Stock Taking Tool
TOSCA is a project on Life Cycle Management aiming to show how companies can work towards sustainability,addressing the total value chain of a product,from extraction of resources to end of life.
For a company that works actively with sustainability, TOSCA presents useful methods for employees in all functions including management. It also delivers a “learning-kit” for a wider audience. An extensive TOSCA website has been developed to spread the ideas and findings and the “hands-on” sections reflect essentially the ways of working in the participating companies:SCA,AkzoNobelandChalmers University of Technology.

A framework of examples, working procedures, guidelines, strategies and tools are compiled and presented on the website.
Towards sustainable supply chains through a common approach for company strategic work and daily operations, TOSCA
The Community Protocol is designed to inspire and guide U.S. local governments to account for and report on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with the communities they represent.
This Community Protocol represents a new national standard that establishes requirements and recommended best practices for developing community GHG emissions inventories of emissions generating sources that are within local government’s ability to influence.This protocol provides methodologies and reporting frameworks which focus attention on those sources and activities within US local government’s ability to influence. Methodologies reference specific data sources that are available to US local governments.
US Community Protocol for Accounting and Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions
The International Environmental Database system (IED) is designed for the purpose of housing an emission inventory for a region. This region could be as big as a country or as small as a single complex source. Its main intent is to provide a structure for an emission inventory for a metropolitan area.

This inventory can include air emissions, water emissions, and solid waste; although most of the work to date is toward an air emissions inventory.The inventory developed in IED is spatially distributed as well as temporally distributed.

Typically, a 1km by 1km grid is used but in the case of a large area the grid can be increased to 2km by 2km up to 10km by 10 km or more. However, for air quality modeling, a grid of 1km by 1 km or 2km by 2km is normally preferred. The model allows for a weekday inventory and a weekend inventory for each hour of the day and for up to four seasons of the year.
IED Emission Inventory System
Several international efforts assist the creation of climate-resilient low emission development plans and strategies. These include work on Technology Needs Assessments (TNAs), Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs), low carbon growth plans and roadmaps.

The user-generated inventory presented here links to many of these efforts occurring internationally. The partnership developed the inventory to provide information on relevant activities and tools that can inform and support future work.

Goals of this inventory activity are to avoid duplication of effort, to promote efficient use of resources, to assess assistance gaps and to support harmonization and coordination of climate-resilient low emission development planning activities internationally.
LEDS Activity and Tool Inventory
This handbook is aimed at a non-negotiator audience,
including climate change practitioners on the ground.
It provides an overview of the full package of decisions
adopted in the international negotiations concerning
measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) provisions for developing countries under the Convention,
including measurement and reporting through national
communications and biennial update reports (BURs); procedures for international consultation and analysis (ICA);
and guidelines for domestic MRV frameworks, including
those for domestically supported nationally appropriate
mitigation actions (NAMAs) and activities relating to
reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, and the role of conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks
in developing countries (REDD-plus)
CCaLC is used to help estimate and manage carbon footprints and other environmental impacts at minimum cost. The main features and capabilities of CCaLC include:  Carbon footprinting CCaLC enables calculations of carbon footprints from 'cradle to grave' and helps to identify carbon 'hot spots' as well as carbon reduction opportunities.   Water footprinting CCaLC also enables estimates of water footprint, taking into account water scarcity in different countries.   Other environmental impacts CCaLC also calculates other environmental impacts such as acidification, eutrophication, ozone layer depletion, photochemical (summer) smog and human toxicity.   Economic impacts CCaLC enables estimation of economic costs and value added, to show the trade-offs between 'carbon added' and 'value added'.   Databases and Case studies There are over 5500 data items in the CCaLC databases, including the Ecoinvent database. They include carbon footprint data on materials, energy, transport, packaging and waste. There are also over 50 case studies, including chemicals and related products, food and drink, bio-feedstocks, biofuels and packaging.
Carbon Calculations over the Life Cycle (CCaLC)
CaLC BIOCHEM is a CCaLC tool tailored specifically for the bio-based sector with in-built case studies are specific to the bio-based sector and include biofuels, biofeedstocks and food & drink case studies.For the description of full features, see the description of the CCaLC tool.  
CCaLC BIOCHEM (Carbon Calculations over the Life Cycle in the Bio-based sector)
CCaLC LITE is a simplified version of the CCaLC carbon footprinting tool that enables quick and easy estimations of carbon footprints of everyday products. Its main aim is to help find out what we as consumers can do to reduce our own carbon footprints. Through a number of examples included within the tool, users can estimate the carbon footprints of different food products, packaging, etc. For example, by selecting different food ingredients, sources of energy for cooking or transportation distances, it is possible to find out which options have the lowest carbon footprints.   With a straightforward and intuitive user-interface, the tool is simple to use by those new to the concept of carbon footprinting.
CCaLC LITE (Carbon Calculations over the Life Cycle Lite Version)
ClearPath is a cloud-based emissions management suite for performing GHG emissions inventories, business as usual forecasts, climate action plan development, and progress monitoring. Parallel tracks support both government operations and community scale accounting.

Organized primarily around the Local Government Operations Protocol and US Community Protocol, but supports reporting under the Global Protocol for Community Scale Emissions. ClearPath delivers a complete emissions management solution through a modern and comfortable web interface.
Technical guidance to prepare national emission inventories. The joint EMEP/EEA air pollutant emission inventory guidebook supports the reporting of emissions data under the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP) and the EU National Emission Ceilings Directive. It provides expert guidance on how to compile an atmospheric emissions inventory. The Guidebook is published by the EEA with the CLRTAP Task Force on Emission Inventories and Projections responsible for the technical content of the chapters.
EMEP-EEA air pollutant emission inventory guidebook 2019
This online calculator lets users get a rough “ballpark” estimate of individual or family’s GHG emissions and explore the impact of taking various actions to reduce emissions. The calculator is broken into three sections:

Section 1: Estimate your current total household emissions.
Section 2: Explore actions you can take to reduce your greenhouse gas emissions, energy use, and waste disposal costs.
Section 3: See how much you can save (in dollars and emissions) by taking the actions you chose in Section 2.
 It also includes a section on ‘What You Can Do’ with information about other actions you can take to reduce your greenhouse gas emissions.
EPA_Household Carbon Footprint Calculator
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